Blessing, Cursing, Cross-Carrying
Dr. Rev. Patrick Perryman
September 8, 2024
Mark 8:27-38


Virtual Service - Doers

Dr. Rev. Patrick Perryman, September 1, 2024
James 1:17-27

Virtual Service - We Will Serve The Lord

Dr. Rev. Patrick Perryman, August 25, 2024
Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18

Virtual Service - What Are You Asking For?

Dr. Rev. Patrick Perryman, August 18, 2024
1 King 2:10-12, 3:3-14

Virtual Service - Simply One, Simply Done 

Dr. Rev. John Sheppard, August 11, 2024
John 6:33-35, 41-51 

Virtual Service - Bring It! 

Dr. Rev. Rebecca Bruff, August 4 2024
John 6:1-21

Virtual Service - Fighting Your Enemies

Rev. Ian Clark, July 28, 2024
Matthew 5:9-16

Virtual Service -Forgive Your Enemies

Rev. Ian Clark, July 14, 2024
Matthew 18:21-35

Virtual Service - Going Home

Rev. Becky Albright, July 7, 2024
Mark 6:1-13

Virtual Service -Multi-Tasking

Rev. Becky Albright, June 30, 2024
Mark 5:21-43

Virtual Service - Mutts

Dr. Rev. Rob Blumer, June 23, 2024
1 Samuel 17

Virtual Service -Feed Your Enemies

Rev. Ian Clark, June 16, 2024
Romans 12:18-21

Virtual Service - Our Callings in Faith

Rev. Ian Clark, June 9, 2024
Luke 6:27-31

Virtual Service -Love Our Enemies

Rev. Ian Clark, June 2, 2024
John 3:1-17

Virtual Service - Our Callings in Faith

Rev. Dr. Rob Blumer, May 26, 2024
John 3:1-17

Virtual Service -All Together in One Place

Rev. Becky Albright, May 19, 2024
Acts 2:1-21

Virtual Service - For Those You Have Given

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 12, 2024
John 17:6-19

Virtual Service - Youth Sunday

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 5, 2024
Philippians 8:8-13

Virtual Service - Doubly Excluded... Wonderfully Welcomed

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 28, 2024
Acts 8:26-40

Virtual Service - In Truth and Action

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 21, 2024
1 John 3:16-40

Virtual Service - It's Really Me

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 14 2024
Luke 24:36b-48

Virtual Service - Have You Believed?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 7, 2024
John 20:19-31

Virtual Service - Called By Name

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 31, 2024
John 20:1-18

Virtual Service - Colts and Cloaks

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 24, 2024
Mark 11:1-11

Virtual Service - Unless a Grain Falls

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 17, 2024
John 12:20-33

Virtual Service - 316s and 319s

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 10, 2024
Psalm 111

Virtual Service - The Wisdom of Foolishness

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 3, 2024
1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Virtual Service - Profit/Loss

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 25, 2024
Mark 8:31-38

Virtual Service - God's Reminder

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 18, 2024
Genesis 9:8-17

Virtual Service -Listen To Him

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 11, 2024
Mark 9:2-9

Virtual Service - What Do You Know? What Have You Heard?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 4, 2024
Isaiah 40:21-31

Virtual Service - Hallelujah A to Z

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 28, 2024
Psalm 111

Virtual Service - Your Servant is Listening

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 14, 2024
1 Samuel 3:1-10

Virtual Service - Gizzy, Kizzy, and Bart

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 7, 2024
Matthew 2:1-2

Virtual Service - Beyond the Pitiless Storm

Rev. Dr. John Sheppard, December 31, 2023
Luke 2:22-40

Virtual Service - Christmas Eve Service

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 24, 2023

Virtual Service - What to Wear for Christmas

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 17, 2023
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

Virtual Service - The God of All Comfort

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 10, 2023
Mark 1:1-8

Virtual Service - Watching, Waiting, Waking!

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 3, 2023
mark 13:24-37

Virtual Service - When Did We See You

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 26, 2023
Matthew 25:31-46

Virtual Service - Watch Yourself - Lest You Forget

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 19, 2023
Deuteronomy 8:7-18 

Virtual Service - The Day of the Lord

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 12, 2023
Amos 5:18-24

Virtual Service -Getting Your Feet Wet

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 5, 2023
Joshua 3:7-17

Virtual Service - The One Next To You

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 29, 2023
Matthew 22:34-46

Virtual Service -Every Tree in the Choir

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 22, 2023
Psalm 96

Virtual Service - Be Anxious For Nothing

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 15, 2023
Philippians 4:1-9

Virtual Service -All These Words

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 8, 2023
Psalm 19

Virtual Service - Losing to Win Part 2

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 1, 2023
Philippians 2:1-13

Virtual Service -Grace & Mercy... AND... Resentment & Rage

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, September 24, 2023
Johan 3:10-4:11

Virtual Service - How Many Times?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, September 17, 2023
Matthew 18:21-35

Virtual Service -Paradoxes of Forgivess

Rev. Dr. John Sheppard, September 10, 2023
Matthew 18:10-22

Virtual Service - Losing to Win

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, September 3, 2023
Matthew 16:21-28

Virtual Service -Don't Let the World Around You...

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 27, 2023
Romans 12:1-8

Virtual Service - God Sent Me

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 20, 2023
Genesis 45:1-15

Virtual Service -What, Than Shall We Say?

Rev. Reggie Simmon, August 13, 2023
Genesis 5:21-24

Virtual Service - All We Have…

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 6, 2023
Matthew 14:13-21

Virtual Service -What, Than Shall We Say?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 30, 2023
Romans 9:26-39

Virtual Service - Holy Ground

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 23, 2023
Genesis 28:10-19a

Virtual Service -Why Do You Speak In Parables?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 16, 2023
Matthew 13:1-23

Virtual Service - The Unforced Rhythms of Grace

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 9, 2023
Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

Virtual Service -Whoever Welcomes

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 2, 2023
Matthew 10:40-42

Virtual Service - God Hears

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, June 11, 2023
Hosea 5:15-6:6

Virtual Service - Judas Iscariot, My Mission Partner

Rev. Dr. Rob Blumer, June 18, 2023
Matthew 9:35-10:23

Virtual Service - Steadfast, Love, & Mercy

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, June 11, 2023
Hosea 5:15-6:6

Virtual Service - It Was Good

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, June 42023
Genesis 1:1-24

Virtual Service - Confused, Amazed, Astounded

Rev. Dr. John Sheppard, May 28, 2023
Acts 2:1-21

Virtual Service - The Eyes of Your Heart

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 21, 2023
Ephesians 1:15-23

Virtual Service - Interpretation of Faith

Rev. Dr. John Sheppard, May 14, 2023
1 Peter 3:13-22

Youth Sunday

May 7, 2023
Isaiah 2:2-5

Virtual Service - Full Attention

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 30, 2023
Acts 2: 42-47

Virtual  Service -Heartburn

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  April 23, 2023
Luke 24:13-35

Virtual Service - Do You Believe?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 16, 2023
John 20:19-31

Virtual  Service - He Is Not Here

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  April 16, 2023
Matthew 28:1-10

Virtual Service - Maundy Thursday

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 6, 2023

Virtual  Service - Who Is This? 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  April 2, 2023
Philippians 2:5-11

Virtual Service - Even Now I Know

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 2, 2023
John 11:1-45

Virtual  Service - This Sweet Song

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  March 19, 2023
Psalm 23

Virtual Service - Come See a Man Who Told Me Everything

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 12, 2023
Matthew 5:5-42

Virtual  Service - What's In It For Me?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  February 26, 2023
Matthew 4:1-11

Virtual Service - Eyewitnesses

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 19, 2023
2 Peter 1:16-21

Virtual  Service - Choosing & Rechoosing

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman February 12, 2023
Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Virtual Service - A Salty Fast 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 5, 2023
Isaiah 58:1-12

Virtual  Service - Foolishness, Folly, Scandal

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  January 29, 2023
1 Corinthians 1:18-31

Virtual Service - What Would It Take?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 22, 2023
Matthew 4:12-23

Virtual  Service - As A Light

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  January 15, 2023
Psalm 40

Virtual Service - They All Gather Together

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 8, 2023
Matthew 2:1-5; 3:13-17

Virtual  Service - Taking The Long Look

Rev. Dr. John Sheppard  January 1, 2023

Virtual Service - Christmas Eve

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 24, 2022

Virtual  Service - Lessons and Carols

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  December 18, 2022

Virtual Service - With All My Heart... Upside-down

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 11, 2022
Luke 1:46-55

Virtual  Service - Change Your Purpose

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  December 4, 2022
Matthew 3:1-12

Virtual Service - Awake and Alive

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 27, 2022
Matthew 24:36-44

Virtual  Service - In Christ Alone

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  November 20, 2022
Colossians 1:11-20

Virtual Service - An Easy Sermon: Give, Bless Hope

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 13, 2022
2 Thessalonian 3:6-13

Virtual  Service - Stand Firm and Hold On To The Traditions

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  November 6, 2022
2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17

Virtual Service - Promised a Share

Rev. Dr. Rob Blumer, October 30, 2022
Ephesians 1:11-23

Virtual  Service - Upstanding, Standing Out,...Standing

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  October 23, 2022
Luke 18:9-14

Virtual Service - Not Ought, Opportunity

Rev. Dr. Rob Blumer, October 16, 2022
Jeremiah 31:31-34

Virtual  Service - Fair? Welfare?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  October 9, 2022
Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7

Virtual Service - Write the Vision - Make It Plain

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 2, 2022
Habbakuk 1:14; 2:1-4

Virtual  Service - Prophetic "Profit-ic" Power

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  September 25, 2022
Luke 16:19-31

Virtual Service - Can Anyone Withhold the Water

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, September 18, 2022
Isaiah 55 & Acts 9

Virtual  Service - Relenting and Relentless

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  September 11, 2022
Luke 15:1-10

Virtual Service - Choose It, Chew It, Climb It

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, September 4, 2022
Psalm 1

Virtual  Service - Three Loves

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  August 28, 2022
Hebrews 13:1-8; 15-16

Virtual Service - Dueling Sabbaths

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 21, 2022
Luke 13:10-17

Virtual Service - The Cloud, The Race, The Witnesses

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  August 14, 2022
Hosea 11:1-11 & Hebrews 11:22-12:2

Virtual Service - Let's Settle This

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 7, 2022
Isaiah 1:1; 10-20

Virtual Service -In God's Image...?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  July 31, 2022
Hosea 11:1-11

Virtual Service - Teach Us How To Pray

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 24, 2022
Luke 11:1-13

Virtual Service  - Distracted and Dismayed

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  July 17, 2022
Luke 10:38-42

Virtual Service - In Your Mouth & In Your Heart

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 10, 2022
Luke 10:25-37

Virtual Service -Up... On the Other Side

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  July 3, 2022
Galatians 6:1-16

Virtual Service - Freedom, Spirit, and the Life of Love

Rev. Dr. John Sheppard, June 26, 2022
Galatians 5:1, 13-25

Virtual Service - Duet: Divine Strength - Human Weakness

Rev. Dr. Rob Blumer  June 19, 2022
1 Kings 19:1- 15

Virtual Service - The Trinity Demystified

Rev. Dr. John Sheppard, June 12, 2022
John 16:12-15

Virtual Service -  Alive With the Sound of Music

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman June 5, 2022
Acts 2:1-21

Virtual Service - What Are You Looking For?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 29, 2022
Acts 1:1-11

Virtual Service -  Alive With the Sound of Music

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman May 22, 2022
Psalm 98

Virtual Service - Glory… and Love 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 15, 2022
John 13:31- 35

Virtual Service -  The First Voice

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman May 8, 2022
John 10:22-30

Virtual Service - Do You Love Me?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 1, 2022
John 21:1-19

Virtual Service -  4 Words Forward

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman April 24, 2022
John 20:19-31

Virtual Service - Looking for the Living

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 17, 2022
Luke 24

Virtual Service -  Maundy Thursday

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman April 14, 2022
Isaiah 43:16-21

Virtual Service - Shouting Stones

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 10, 2022
Luke 19:28-40

Virtual Service -  Forgetting In Order To Remember

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman April 3, 2022
Isaiah 43:16-21

Virtual Service - Belonging

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 27, 2022
Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Virtual Service -  The Gift of Lent

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman March 20, 2022
Isaiah 55:1-9

Virtual Service - One Thing

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 13, 2022
Psalm 27

Virtual Service -  My Son, My Chosen - By the Spirit Led

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman March 6, 2022
Luke 4:1-13

Virtual Service - Listen to Him

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 27, 2022
Luke 9:28-36

Virtual Service -  Ask Yourself What You Want

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman February 20, 2022
Luke 6:27-38

Virtual Service - What Do You Believe

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 13, 2022
1 Corinthians 15:12-20

Virtual Service -  Into the Deep Water

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman February 6, 2022
Luke 5:1-11

Virtual Service - A Yet More Excellent Path

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 30, 2022
1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Virtual Service -  A Welcome Year of the Lord 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman January 30, 2022
Luke 4:14-22

Virtual Service - Diversity in Faith - Unity in Christ

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 16, 2022
1 Corinthians 12:1-11

Virtual Service - When You're In Over Your Head 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman January 9, 2022
Isaiah 43:1-7

Virtual Service - And Moved Into the Neighborhood

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 2, 2022
John 1:1-18

Virtual Service - Christmas Long Ago

Rev. Dr. John Sheppard December 26, 2021
Colossians 3:12-17

Virtual Service -Christmas Eve Service

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 24, 2021

Virtual Service - My Soul and Spirit Sing

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 19, 2021
Luke 1:39-55

Virtual Service - Children's Christmas Pageant

December 19, 2021 at 4:00 PM

Virtual Service - God's Peace Will Guard

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 12, 2021
Philippians 4:4-8

Virtual Service - Prepare the Way

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 5, 2021
Philippians 1:3-11

Virtual Service - Sprouts, Branches, and Trees

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 28, 2021
Luke 21:25-36

Virtual Service - Who Was... Who Is... Who Is to Come

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 21, 2021
Revelations 1:4b-8 

Virtual Service - Pot-Stirring, Provoking, Promising

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 14, 2021
Mark 12:38-41

Virtual Service - Kirkin Sunday - Without Reservation

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 7, 2021
Matthew 21:23-32

Virtual Service - All Saints Day - Our God and Tears

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 31, 2021
Matthew 21:23-32

Virtual Service- Stony Creek - What Do You See?

Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 24th, 2021

Virtual Service - Name Dropping

 Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 17th, 2021

Virtual Service - What's in the Way

Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 10th, 2021
Psalm 91

Virtual Service - I Love the House

Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 3rd, 2021
Psalm 26

Virtual Service - Taking it Seriously

Rev. Dr. John Sheppard, September 26, 2021
Mark 9: 38-50

Virtual Service - To Be First

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  September 19,2021
Mark 9:30-37

Virtual Service - The Word of My Mouth... The Meditation of My Heart

Dr. Patrick Perryman, September 12, 2021
Isaiah 50:4-9a

Virtual Service - Keeping the Secret

Rev. John Sheppard,  September 5,2021
Mark 7:24-37

Virtual Service - A God - Listening Heart

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 29,2021
Deuteronomy 4

Virtual Service - Choose Today

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 22,2021
Joshua 24

Virtual Service - A God - Listening Heart

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 15,2021
1 King 2:10-12 -3:3-14

Virtual Service - Shaped As We Sing

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 8,2021
Psalm 34

Virtual Service - What Is This?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 1,2021
John 6:24-35

Virtual Service - God Has A Plan

 The Rev. Dr. Donnie Wood,  July 25,2021
Jeremiah 29:11; John 6:8-14

Virtual Service - Rest, Refuge, Retreat, and Retirement

Rev. Becky Albright, July 18,2021
Mark 6:30,53-56

Virtual Service - Uzzah, Michal, David... and Dancing

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman  July 11,2021
2  Samuel 6:1-22

Virtual Service - Shaking Off the Dust

Rev. Becky Albright, July 4,2021
Mark 6:1-13

Virtual Service - Trust and Transformation

Rev. Becky Albright  June 27,2021
2 Corinthians 8:7-15

Virtual Service - In The Name Of The Lord

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, June 20,2021

Virtual Service - Patience, Presence, Perseverance, Perspective

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, June 13,2021
Mark 4:26-34

Virtual Service - We Do Not Lose Heart

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, June 6,2021
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1

Virtual Service - Wordplay Symbolism and Confusion

Rev. Becky Albright, May 30,2021
John 3:1-17

Virtual Service - Astonished Amazed Mystified Perplexed Astounded Confused Surprised Bewildered & Shocked 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 23,2021
Acts 2:1-21

Virtual Service - God Charts the Road

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 16,2021
John 17:6-19

Virtual Service - Mother Love

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 9,2021
John 15:19-17

Virtual Service - This is Wilderness

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 2,2021
1 John 4:7-21 & Acts 8:26-40

Virtual Service - Let Us Love

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 25,2021
1 John 3:16-24

Virtual Service - Too Good To Be True

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 18,2021
Luke 26:36b-48

Virtual Service - Life After Easter

Rev. Becky Albright, April 11,2021
John 20:12-31

Virtual Service - Finish the Story

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 4,2021
Mark 16:1-8

Virtual Service - Maundy Thursday

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 1,2021

Virtual Service - What if God Was One of Us?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 28,2021
Philippians 2:5-11

Virtual Service - Have Mercy

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 21,2021
Psalm 51

Virtual Service - Let the Redeemed Say So

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 14,2021
Psalm 107

Virtual Service - The Word of the Cross

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 7,2021
1Corinthians 1:18-25

Virtual Service - Membership and Messiahship  

Rev. Becky Albright, February 28,2021

Virtual Service - Into the Wilderness

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 21,2021
Psalm 25

Virtual Service - Ash Wednesday Service

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman & Rev. Becky Albright, February 17,2021

Virtual Service - Listen...

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 14,2021
Mark 9:2-9

Virtual Service - Q&A... AMA... FAQ  

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 7,2021
Isaiah 40:21-31

Virtual Service - What We Become

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 31,2021
Psalm 111

Virtual Service - Sacrifice, Service, & Stumbling 

Rev. Becky Albright, January 24,2021
Mark 1:4-20

Virtual Service - (Do) I Have A Dream?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 17,2021
1 Samuel 3:1-20

Virtual Service - A Whole New Life

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 10,2021
Mark 1:4-11

Virtual Service - Shall We Gather at the River

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 3,2021
Jeremiah 37:7-14

Virtual Service - Falling and Rising

Rev.Becky Albright, December 27,2020
Luke 2:22-40

Virtual Service - Christmas Eve

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman & Rev. Becky Albright, December 24,2020

Virtual Service - How Can This Be? 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 20,2020
Luke 1:26-38

Virtual Service - Lessons & Carols

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 13,2020

Virtual Service - Can You Imagine

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 6,2020
Isaiah 40:1-11

Virtual Service - Advent, Anxiety, and Agitation

Rev. Becky Albright, November 29,2020
Mark 13:24-37

Virtual Service - Hungry, Thirsty, and in Prison

Rev. Becky Albright, November 22,2020
Matthew 25:31-46

Virtual Service - Investment Strategies

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 15,2020
Matthew 25:14-30

Virtual Service - Ready or Not

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 8,2020
Matthew 25:1-13

Virtual Service - On the Right Road

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 1,2020
Matthew 5:1-12

Virtual Service - Set Apart

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 25,2020
Matthew 22:34-40

Annual Stony Creek Worship Service 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman October 18, 2020


Virtual Service - VIRTUAL HYMNFEST 

Director of Music Vic Varner and Organist Lily Cooper
October 11, 2020

Virtual Service - Faith in Christ 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman October 4, 2020


Virtual Service - Authority, Action, and Enthusiasm

Rev. Becky Albright, September 27,2020
Matthew 21:23-32

Virtual Service - You Made Them Equal to Us

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman September 20, 2020

Matthew 20:1-16


Virtual Service - Am I In the Place of God

Rev.Dr. Patrick Perryman, September 13,2020
Psalm 103

Virtual Service - The Giving Way... Giving Away

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman September 6, 2020

Romans 13:8-10


Virtual Service - Kyrios-Kairos-Curious

Rev.Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 30,2020
Romans 12:9-21

Virtual Service - Gratitude, Gifts, and Grace

Rev. Becky Albright, August 23, 2020

Psalm 138 


Virtual Service - Together In Unity

Rev.Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 16,2020
Psalms 133

Virtual Service - In The Darkest Night

Dr. Rev. Patrick Perryman, August 9, 2020

Matthew 14:22-33 


Virtual Service - What Is Your Name?

Rev.Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 2,2020
Genesis 32:22-31

Virtual Service - What Then Are We to Say...And Do?

Dr. Rev. Patrick Perryman, July 26,2020
Romans 8:26-39

Virtual Service -The Blessing Business

Rev.Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 19,2020
Genesis 28:10-19

Virtual Service - What Do You Hope For?

Dr. Rev. Patrick Perryman, July 12,2020
Isaiah 55:10-13

Virtual Service -A Patriot's Story - Colonel Roxanne Cheney

Rev.Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 5,2020
 Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

Virtual Service - Strangers and Friends

Rev. Becky Albright, June 28,2020
Matthew 10:40-42

Virtual Service - Don't Be Afraid... Because

Rev.Dr. Patrick Perryman, June 21,2020
Matthew 10:24-39

Virtual Service - Make A Joyful Noise

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, June 14,2020
Psalm 100

Virtual Service - Reflection

Rev.Dr. Patrick Perryman & Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, June 7,2020

Virtual Service - The Holy Spirit Comes

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 31,2020
Acts 2:1-21

Virtual Service - The In-Between Times

Rev. Becky Albright, May 24,2020
Acts 1:1-11

Virtual Service - Chasing After Peace

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 17,2020
1 Peter 3:8-16

Virtual Service - The Jesus Way—The Jesus Truth—The Jesus Life

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 10,2020
John 14: 1-14

Virtual Service - Wonders and Signs

Rev. Dr, Patrick Perryman, May 3,2020
Acts 2:42-47

Reading-  The Question from Can you Drink the Cup? : Lifting by Henri Nouwen 

Rev. Becky Albright, May 6, 2020

Virtual Service - Stay With Us

Rev. Dr, Patrick Perryman, April 26,2020
Luke 24:13-35

Reading-  The Question from Can you Drink the Cup? by Henri Nouwen 

Rev. Becky Albright, April 29, 2020

Virtual Service - Hope in the Face of Fear

Rev. Becky Albright, April 19,2020
John 19:20-30

Reading- Word by Word, a daily spiritual practice.  by Marilyn McEntyre

Rev. Becky Albright, April 24, 2020

Virtual Service - Easter Sunday

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 12,2020

Reading- Merry Easter? By Frederick Mathews Greene

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 18, 2020

Holy Week Readings - Silent Saturday - Were You There arranged by Lloyd Larson

Rev. Becky Albright, April 11, 2020

Virtual Service - Good Friday

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 10, 2020


Virtual Service - Maundy Thursday

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 9, 2020

Holy Week Readings- A Prisoner of Hope written by Jurgen Moltmann 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 9, 2020

Holy Week Readings - Fleming Rutledge the Common Criminal

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 8, 2020

Holy Week Readings - Henri Nouwen the Passion

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 7, 2020

Holy Week Readings - Barbara Taylor Brown Truth to Tell

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 6, 2020

Virtual Service - Palmetto Sunday

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, April 5, 2020

Virtual Service - Hope In the Lord

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 29,2020

Virtual Service - The Lord is My Shepherd

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 22,2020


Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, March 1,2020
Matthew 4:1-11


Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 23,2020
Matthew 17:1-19

Repairers of Breach

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, February 9,2020

Believing is Seeing

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 26,2020

What Light ... Beaufort?

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 19,2020
Isaiah 49:1-7


Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, January 12,2020
Isaiah 42:1-9

Unopened Gift

Rev. Becky Albright, January 5,2020
John 1:1-18

Peace & Provision

Rev. Becky Albright, December 29,2019

Communion & Candlelight Christmas Eve

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 24, 2019

Family & Children's Christmas Eve Service

Rev. Becky Albright, December 24,2019

Names and Fathers

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 22, 2019
Matthew 1:18-25

Lessons and Carols

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman & Rev. Becky Albright, December 15,2019

Hope, Harmony, and Health

Rev. Becky Albright, December 8, 2019
Romans 15: 4-13

Ain't Gonna Study War No More

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, December 1,2019

Bleeding Peace into the World

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 24, 2019
Colossians 1:11-20

Waging Hope

Dr. Rebecca Bruff, November 17,2019

Not "Just Us"... Justice

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 10, 2019
Psalm 98

Inheritance Planning

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, November 3,2019

But I Say To You...

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, October 13, 2019
Jeremiah 29: 1, 4-7

The Navigation of Our Faith

Rev. Becky Albright, October 6,2019

Visions and Dream

Rev. Dr. Dan Holloway, September 29, 2019
Acts 2:17-21

Making Friends with Money

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, September 22, 2019
Luke 16: 1-13

Our Lord's Favor Poured All Over

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, September 15, 2019
1 Timothy 1: 12-17

Let Me Rise in the Morning & Live Always with You

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, September 8, 2019
Psalm 139

Invitations & Seating Arrangements

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, September 1, 2019
Luke 14:1, 7-14

Running By Faith

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 18, 2019
Hebrews 11:29-12:3

Desiring A Better Country

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, August 11, 2019
Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16

How to Get Good Gifts

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 28, 2019
Luke 11:1-13

Welcome Me

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 21, 2019
Luke 10:38-42

That My Soul May Praise You and Not Be Silent 

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, July 7, 2019
Psalm 30

The Life of Freedom

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, June 30, 2019
Galatians 5:1, 13-25

Dress for Success

Rev. Becky Albright, June 23, 2019
Galatians 3:23-29


A Heart Full of Hope

Rev. Becky Albright, June 16, 2019
Romans 5:1-5


Being One

Rev. John Sheppard, June 2, 2019
John 17:17-26


Heaven on Earth

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 26, 2019
Revelations 21:10; 21:22-22:5


A Turning of the Heart Towards Life

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 19, 2019
Acts 11:1-18

Tabitha and the Widows

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 12, 2019
Acts 9:36-43


Charcoal and Flounder, Redfish Branzino, Whiting, Catfish, Snapper, Salmon ...

Rev. Dr. Patrick Perryman, May 5, 2019
John 21:1-19

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